How can it be done to export an excel table to a SQL Server table and also, whenever someone adds, edits or deletes a value from the excel table, that same value is removed from the sql table?
I have already been able to export the values of a table to sql but if I add, edit or delete some excel nothing happens in the sql table, I also tried to do it with openrowset but I was throwing this error:
can not create an instance of ole db provider "microsoft.ace.oledb.16.0" for linked server
And I was doing something like this:
INSERT INTO User (turno,num_empleado,num_asociado,apellido1,apellido2,nombre,cedula,posicion,jefe,usuario)
SELECT --de los campos de excel
OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0','Excel 16.0;Database=C:\Users\MiUsuario\Desktop\ExcelImport.xls','SELECT * FROM [Libro$]')AS a;
Then how could I do it to make it work for me?