I have a problem and I am trying to make a query from c # to sqlserver but I get the following error
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to convert an object of type 'System.Decimal' to the type 'System.String'
And I know that the error seems to be that I have a column named "Age" of type numeric and when doing the query in c # taking it as String gives me the error, the big question would be, How could I call it correctly so I can run correctly.
public static List<Estudiante> BuscarEstudiante(String pcedula)
List<Estudiante> Lista = new List<Estudiante>();
using (SqlConnection conexion = BDcomun.ObtenerCOnexion())
SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(string.Format( //Cambie el 1 por el 0
"Select nombre, cedula, correo, edad from Estudiante where cedula like '%{0}%'", pcedula), conexion);
SqlDataReader reader = comando.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Estudiante pEstudiante = new Estudiante();
pEstudiante.nombre = reader.GetString(0);
pEstudiante.cedula = reader.GetString(1);
pEstudiante.correo = reader.GetString(2);
pEstudiante.edad = reader.GetString(3);
return Lista;
//Fin consulta
The error I think comes from just
pEstudiante.edad = reader. GetString (3);