I have tried every possible way to change the order of the code, but the same thing happens again and again, I'm getting frustrated, I would like to know why it returns undefined so I do not run into this problem again, I've done the tests to know that the next function does not return empty, but still it does. I show my code below: Next I define the application:
var app = angular.module('sonidoambiental', ['ngRoute']).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', { templateUrl: 'inicio.html', abstract: true, controller: "InicioController"}).
when('/listado', {templateUrl: 'listado.html', controller: "ListadoController"})./*
when('/agregar', {templateUrl: 'plantillas/agregar.html', controller: ControladorAgregar}).*/
otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
The service that returns undefinited is as follows:
app.factory('comunicacion', function() {
return {
obtenerstring: function(pregunta){
var retorna;
url: '/json/' + encodeURI(pregunta),
dataType: 'json',
method: 'get',
success: function(datos) {
/* Si todo ha ido bien mostramos una alerta con el contenido */
if (typeof datos.error !== 'undefined' && datos.error === false) {
retorna= datos.mensaje;
//alert("Mensaje recibido: " + datos.mensaje);
} else {
retorna = null;
return retorna;
And I call it in the following way:
app.controller ("StartController", ['$ scope', 'communication', function ($ scope, $ interval, communication) {
$ scope.primerinicio = function () {
if (comunicacion.obtenerstring ('sinusuarios') === '') {
titulodeformulario="No user created please enter the corresponding data";
createuser = true;
botoningresar="Create user";
$ scope.titleofform = titleformform;
$ scope.botoningresar = botoningresar;
$ scope.crearusuario = crearusuario;
$ scope. $ apply ();
Well, if someone clarifies this scenario would be very nice help, In the part that says Console.log (data.message); it returns the real value and not undefinited, so I assure you that it is not a function problem.