How to make an UPDATE on a BD SQL Server from C Sharp


I have the following code which makes the query.

  private void EditarUsuario()

        string sql = @"UPDATE USUARIOS SET
                            [USUARIO] = @USUARIO, [CLAVE] = @CLAVE";

        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, miconexion);

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("USUARIO", txtusuario.Text);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("CLAVE", txtContra.Text);
        MessageBox.Show("Datos Actualizados Satisfactoriamente", "Sistema", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

And with this other I show the user's data.

            if (cbobusqueda.Text == "USUARIO")
                SqlConnection miconexion = new SqlConnection(Conexion.conexion);
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from USUARIOS where USUARIO= @Clave", miconexion);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Clave", txtbusqueda1.Text);
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                //Representa un set de comandos que es utilizado para llenar un DataSet
                SqlDataAdapter dp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                //Representa un caché (un espacio) en memoria de los datos.
                DataSet ds = new DataSet("USUARIOS");

                //Llenamosel DataSet con la tabla. USUARIOS es nombre de la tabla
                dp.Fill(ds, "USUARIOS");

                //Si dni existe ejecutara la consulta
                if (ds.Tables["USUARIOS"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Inicializamos una fila de datos en la cual se almacenaran todos los datos de la fila seleccionada
                    DataRow myRow = ds.Tables["USUARIOS"].Rows[0];

                    txtusuario.Text = myRow["USUARIO"].ToString();
                    txtContra.Text = myRow["CLAVE"].ToString();

                    txtbusqueda1.Enabled = false;
                    cbobusqueda.Enabled = false;
                    txtusuario.Enabled = true;
                    txtContra.Enabled = true;

                    btnVerDatos.Enabled = true;

                //Si dni no existe mandara mensajillo
                    MessageBox.Show("El usuario ingresado NO EXISTE - Digite un usuario Valido", "Sistema", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    txtbusqueda1.Enabled = true;
                    cbobusqueda.Enabled = true;
                    txtusuario.Enabled = false;
                    txtContra.Enabled = false; 
                    btnVerDatos.Enabled = false;



The problem is that, when I give it to modify data, if it modifies it but it modifies all the users. Ejeplo:
I have 2 users, user1 and user2, when I modify user1 when wanting to change my name or password, the result is like this, user1, user1.
I do not understand why I modified all the records instead of just modifying the selection record.
I hope you can help me, thanks in advance

asked by Ryuzaki Lpz 08.03.2017 в 06:05

2 answers


Your SQL query needs the WHERE clause to limit it like this:

string sql = @"UPDATE USUARIOS SET " +
             @"[USUARIO] = @USUARIO, [CLAVE] = @CLAVE " + 
             @" WHERE [USUARIO] = @USUARIO";

because the way you have it about you write the values of User and Password.

answered by 08.03.2017 / 06:49

I can recommend that you not add the query directly to your code for 2 reasons:

  • Security : If someone comes to see or get your code and want to hurt your system, you will have access to information database as the name of the tables and fields
  • .
  • Maintenance : If in the future you have to make changes only to SQL queries, you will have to edit, recompile and release your code again.
  • It is recommended to use stored procedures and leave the security to the database and if you have to make a change to the consultation, will need only enter the database modify the query in your stored procedure without the need to recompile.

    answered by 08.03.2017 в 07:29