I have the following query
DELETE FROM abono where id='dos' in (select * FROM abono WHERE id='dos' limit 2,1)
but my mysql tells me
#1235 - This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'
my table is called a subscription
id | monto
'uno' | 5.00
'uno' | 3.79
'dos' | 4.00
'tres'| 1.00
'dos' | 2.90
'uno' | 6.00
'dos' | 7.50
'tres'| 9.00
As it does not have primary key I use this query to tell it to index delete
select * FROM abono WHERE id='dos' limit 2,1
return me
id | monto
'dos | 7.50
but I do not know how I can delete that data