How can I declare a Jquery variable globally?
I have searched for a way to declare a variable globally, in which I can access the value of a <input>
since the problem is in which the variable is used in at least 20 other functions. I usually declare the functions in the following way:
function Funcion1(){
var valor1 = $('#objeto1').val();
var valor2 = $('#objeto2').val();
var valor3 = $('#objeto3').val();
* mismos objetos utilizados que en Funcion1
function Funcion2(){
var valor0 = "objeto";
var valor1 = $('#objeto1').val();
var valor2 = $('#objeto2').val();
var valor3 = $('#objeto3').val();
... (n funciones)
What is the correct way to declare globally a var dato = $('#dato').val();
Here is an example of what my idea is like:
<script src=""></script>
Tu nombre:<br>
<input id="dato" type="text">
<button id="boton">ok</button>
var saludo = 'Hola ';
var dato = $('#dato').val(); //¿Cuál es la mejor manera?
alert(saludo + '\r\n' + dato); //no obtiene el dato de manera global