I have some problems to accommodate data obtained from an API, they come in "JSON" format, try to accommodate them using an "array" but I did not succeed.
The data that the API throws at me when making a "Get" are the following:
"page_count": "integer",
"page_number": "integer",
"page_size": "integer",
"total_records": "integer",
"accounts": [
"id": "string [uuid]",
"account_name": "string",
"email": "string",
"account_type": "string",
"subscription_start_time": "string [date-time]",
"subscription_end_time": "string [date-time]",
"created_at": "string [date-time]"
Based on the previous Code, I would like to obtain the "ID, Account_Name, Email, Account_Type" only for each account.
Could someone give me an example?
Thanks, regards!