copy records from a table with foreign keys


by inserting the ReprteRegresado table and copying the data from the report table:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReporteEgresado]
           ,[Grupo_ReporteEgresado]) select * from Reporte

I get this error:


"The selection list for the INSERT statement contains more   Elements that the insert list. The number of SELECT values must   match the number of INSERT columns. "

asked by Irving Frias 13.12.2017 в 23:51

1 answer


With doing a select * FROM Reporte , you are bringing 7 columns and you only put the INSERT in 6, the Id_reporte is the one that is over, you will have to

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ReporteEgresado]
 Observacion_Reporte, Sancion_Reporte {...} from Reporte

To remove the id_reporte of the query

answered by 13.12.2017 / 23:56