the int type was defined as a word in the micro architectures 8086, 80286, however from the 80386, int is by default a double word
Basically what they ask you is to print lines of 16B
in 2 columns, the first column is the hexadecimal representation in groups of 2B
while the second column is the representation in ascii.
The pseucode would be the following
print_memory (const void *addr, size_t size)
for(cada byte en [addr, addr + size])
imprimir byte en hex
if(se ha imprimido 2B)
imprimir espacio
if(se han imprimido 16B)
imprimir los 16B anteriores en ascii
imprimir salto de linea
imprimir en forma alineada los ascii de la línea incompleta
imprimir salto de linea
Implementation is trivial
#include <ctype.h> // isprint
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <stdlib.h> // size_t
#define LINE_IN_BYTES 0x10
#define WORD_IN_BYTES 2
#define IS_ODD(x) (x % 2 == 1)
void print_memory (const void*, size_t);
static void print_ascii (const void*, size_t);
static inline void print_spaces (size_t);
main (void)
int tab[10] = {0, 23, 150, 255, 12, 16, 21, 42};
char m[17] = "Hola mundo";
print_memory (tab, sizeof(tab));
print_memory (m, sizeof(m));
return 0;
print_memory (const void *addr, size_t size)
size_t i;
size_t resto;
const unsigned char *c;
if (addr == NULL)
for (i = 1; i <= size; i++)
c = (addr + i - 1);
printf ("%02hhx", *c);
if (i % WORD_IN_BYTES == 0)
putchar (' ');
if (i % LINE_IN_BYTES == 0)
print_ascii (c - LINE_IN_BYTES + 1, LINE_IN_BYTES);
printf ("\n");
if ((resto = size % LINE_IN_BYTES) > 0) // falta ascii que imprimir
print_spaces ((HEX_DIGIT_PER_CHAR + 0.5) * (LINE_IN_BYTES - resto)); // rellena lo faltante
if(IS_ODD (resto))
putchar (' '); // alinea a palabra
print_ascii (c - resto + 1, resto);
printf ("\n");
static void
print_ascii (const void *addr, size_t size)
size_t i;
const unsigned char *c;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
c = (addr + i);
if (isprint (*c))
putchar (*c);
putchar ('.');
static inline
print_spaces (size_t size)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
putchar(' ');
Compile it
$ gcc print_memory.c -o print_memory -Wall -Werror; ./print_memory | cat -e
0000 0000 1700 0000 9600 0000 ff00 0000 ................$
0c00 0000 1000 0000 1500 0000 2a00 0000 ............*...$
0000 0000 0000 0000 ........$
486f 6c61 206d 756e 646f 0000 0000 0000 Hola mundo......$
00 .$
Do not worry about the endianness , since it does not vary much, since ANSI C specifies that the elements in an array should be stored as they are declared, the first element of the array being the least address in memory.
Your arrangement
0 4
0 tab + 36
0 tab + 32
42 tab + 28
21 tab + 24
16 tab + 20
12 tab + 16
255 tab + 12
150 tab + 8
23 tab + 4
0 tab + 0
Whatever the endianness , the previous figure does not change.
Little endian
The previous figure for little endian would be the following
0 4
0x0000 0000 tab + 36
0x0000 0000 tab + 32
0x2A00 0000 tab + 28
0x1500 0000 tab + 24
0x1000 0000 tab + 20
0x0C00 0000 tab + 16
0xFF00 0000 tab + 12
0x9600 0000 tab + 8
0x1700 0000 tab + 4
0x0000 0000 tab + 0
Big endian
0 4
0x0000 0000 tab + 36
0x0000 0000 tab + 32
0x0000 002A tab + 28
0x0000 0015 tab + 24
0x0000 0010 tab + 20
0x0000 000C tab + 16
0x0000 00FF tab + 12
0x0000 0096 tab + 8
0x0000 0017 tab + 4
0x0000 0000 tab + 0