Why do the MAX () and MIN () functions give me the same result in Mysql?


Why do the MAX () and MIN () functions give me the same result in Mysql?

INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('56', '44', '06','01','4000000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('57', '45', '07','01','8500000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('58', '46', '08','01','7000000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('59', '47', '09','01','3100000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('60', '48', '10','01','1200000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('61', '49', '11','01','4500000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('62', '50', '12','01','5300000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('63', '51', '13','01','11500000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('64', '52', '14','01','6300000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('65', '53', '15','01','12000000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('66', '54', '06','01','4000000');
INSERT INTO 'Venta'('idVenta','idFactura','idVehiculo','Cantidad','Precio') VALUES ('67', '55', '15','01','12000000');

Select MIN(Precio) from venta;

Select MAX(precio) from venta;
asked by Cote Díaz 24.01.2018 в 23:59

2 answers


I have reproduced your inserts and I have made the queries that you say and this is the result that I get ... Look carefully at the quantities, as it happens that the minimum is "a zero smaller" than the maximum .. Can you not have realized that?

answered by 25.01.2018 / 10:57

Assuming that the table has the correct structure, I imagine that perhaps it is an interpretation problem, min / max brings the lowest / highest value, not the entire row so it will mix information, to select the row with minor / higher price should be like this:

SELECT idVenta, precio FROM Venta ORDER BY precio ASC LIMIT 1;

I leave the examples of the table and queries in SQL FIDDLE .


answered by 25.01.2018 в 03:26