In Bogotá there is a main office where the main and
back. For the interconnection of the headquarters you want to contract fiber optic, looking for all
the venues have fast and reliable access to the servers of the main headquarters. Locally in
Each headquarters, it is planned to have a high-speed connection for each computer equipment.
The Cities where there is coverage are determined below:
Number of Locations: 3
Number of devices: 420
Description: They are located in remote districts for better coverage and each headquarters has
buildings superior to 2000 m2 of area, with structured wiring. In the Headquarters there are 210
equipment, at headquarters B there are 90 and at headquarters C 120 equipment.
Number of Locations: 2
Number of Teams: 250
Description: Two identical small venues with an area of 1200 m2, each with 125 equipment.
Number of Locations: 1
Number of Teams: 50
Number of Locations: 1
Number of Teams: 120
From the above, I implemented it in cisco packet tracert, I was thinking of implementing it as shown in the image, but I do not know if the connection between the 4 cities is fine as stated in the statement. , but I do not know if it will be possible or what else I have to add it? so that it is well implemented based on the description?