count of 2 tables in mysql


I have 3 tables in mysql, one is customer, another store and reserve, this is related to the customer table and steals the id and the store tbl and also steals your id, my question is, how can I make a list of all the clients and know how many reservations do I have ?, since I may have many or none, and try with a count and only take into account the ones that have been booked, and I want everyone to take me into account, and that they did not do any in any case give me count 0, how could I control that?

customer table

  • customer_id name
  • phone
  • city
  • address
  • store table

  • id_tienda
  • nro
  • cost
  • dimension
  • reservation table

  • reservation_id
  • start_date
  • final_date
  • condition
  • customer_id
  • id_tienda
  • I've tried this query:

    SELECT c.Id_cliente, c.Nombre, COUNT(r.Id_reserva) as total
    FROM cliente c 
    LEFT JOIN reserva r 
    ON c.Id_cliente = r.Id_cliente
    GROUP BY c.Id_cliente

    It works for me however, I forgot a detail, in the reservation table, I have a condition field that can be 1 or 0, it is 1 when they are valid and 0 when they end, when doing a where so that only I take in account the current reserves no longer works my query.

    asked by Fernando Banegas 08.07.2017 в 00:51

    4 answers


    The simplest way is the following:

    SELECT c.id_cliente, 
           ISNULL(COUNT(1),0) AS cantidadReservas
           FROM cliente c 
           LEFT JOIN reserva r
               ON c.id_cliente = r.id_cliente
               AND r.condicion = 1
           GROUP BY

    But using a less elegant and less optimal subquery:

    SELECT id_cliente, 
               (SELECT ISNULL(COUNT(1),0) 
                       FROM reserva r
                       WHERE c.id_cliente = r.id_cliente
                             AND r.condicion = 1
               ) AS cantidadReservas
               FROM cliente c 
    answered by 08.07.2017 в 05:55

    You only have to implement a meeting of the two tables, defining that you always keep the total of records of one of them

    Using LEFT JOIN

    All the records in the table on the left and only the matching records in the right table.

    SELECT id_cliente, nombre, COUNT(*) AS cantidadReservas
    FROM cliente  
    LEFT JOIN reserva USING(id_cliente)
    GROUP BY id_cliente

    Using RIGHT JOIN

    All the records in the table on the right and only the records that match the left table.

    SELECT id_cliente, nombre, COUNT(*) AS cantidadReservas
    FROM reserva  
    RIGHT JOIN cliente USING(id_cliente)
    GROUP BY id_cliente

    Keep in mind that I used USING(campo_en_comun) since the tables that come together have a field that is called equal and is exactly your comparison principle so you could have used the condition cliente.id_cliente=reserva.id_cliente , but in particular cases like These the first one is much more practical.

    answered by 08.07.2017 в 02:52

    try left join and join righ when you just do a join this returns the fields that are related if you use a left join as its name implies bring me the fields of my left table no matter if I ever had a field in common in this case would be the reserves

    answered by 08.07.2017 в 02:10

    This should be the instruction when you apply the where condition to obtain the current reservations (condition = 1), see example

    SELECT c.Id_cliente, c.Nombre, COUNT(r.Id_reserva) as total 
      FROM cliente c LEFT JOIN reserva r 
        ON c.Id_cliente = r.Id_cliente 
        where r.condicion = 1
        GROUP BY c.Id_cliente 
       (select id_cliente, nombre, 0
           from cliente where id_cliente
                 not in ( select id_cliente from reserva
                                 where condicion = 1  ) );

    The second select obtains the clients without the current reservations.

    answered by 08.07.2017 в 02:33