Error with git from windows 10


I have the following inconventing with git

Commit failed with error:

The Git process exited with the code -1.073.741.819

The next error I get when doing commit and push

Like when I try to do pull, it gives me as a reply the following message:

Fetch failed

fatal: UriFormatException encountered

I ask if it's a compatibility problem or something similar ... It should be noted that I have cloned my projects without any inconveniences. As I have also made the configurations of both the username and the email.

Thank you in advance for the help you can give me!

asked by José Romero 19.06.2017 в 16:55

1 answer


The problem was because I had installed versión mas actual de git que era la 2.13.1 uninstall it and install la versión 2.10 which was the version I used previously and it works correctly. It seems to be a problem with la versión 2.13. de git that caused that problem in windows .

answered by 28.06.2017 / 23:39