ggplot2 shows nothing or gives error


I'm testing the R ggplot2 package.

I have tried in different ways and I never get a satisfactory result (rather, I always fail). I'm trying to make a graph that shows me the number of consultations per year. Using a plot by default of R works.

   output$grafico <- renderPlot({
        conn <- odbcConnect("ORAC11.ORACLE11G", uid="l21", pwd="l21", rows_at_time = 500, believeNRows=FALSE)
        a <- as.character(input$dateRange[1])
        b <- as.character(input$dateRange[2])

        consultaAgrupada <- sqlExecute(conn,
                                       query="select count(COCODIGO) NUMCOD, extract(year from COFECHA) ANIO from L2113T00 where extract(year from COFECHA) > extract(year from TO_DATE( ? ,'yyyy-mm-dd')) and extract(year from COFECHA) < extract(year from TO_DATE( ? ,'yyyy-mm-dd')) group by extract(year from COFECHA) ",
                                       fetch = TRUE

        plot(consultaAgrupada$ANIO, consultaAgrupada$NUMCOD,     main="Numero de consultas por año"  ,  xlab="FECHA (AÑO)",     ylab="Nº CONSULTAS",col = c("blue","red","darkgreen"))    

Up there all right, I show a graph with points of the consultations per year, but when I try with the graphics of ggplot2, or nothing is displayed or I get an error

For example, the code that I have that does not show me anything is the following (I omit the part in which I execute the query since it is the same as in the first example):

p <- ggplot(consultaAgrupada,aes(consultaAgrupada$ANIO,consultaAgrupada$NUMCOD))

This loads me a graph but it does not show me data

The other way I've tried has been to introduce a geomBar()

p <- ggplot(consultaAgrupada,aes(consultaAgrupada$ANIO,consultaAgrupada$NUMCOD)+geomBar())

But this gives me the error


Error: non-numeric argument to binary operator

I have not managed to understand very well how to create the graphics in ggplot2 (as you can see) so if someone who enlightens me with his infinite wisdom I will be eternally grateful: P

asked by Lombarda Arda 27.02.2017 в 12:28

1 answer


Primeor: in ggplot, the aesthetics are basically the names of the variables, or failing that, some transformation of them.

ggplot(consultaAgrupada, aes(ANIO, NUMCOD))

On the other hand, there is no function geomBar , but geom_bar , and you only need the variable x since it performs the count itself. So in your case, assuming you have the value and the count, you need geom_col :

df <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 2),    
  y = c(3, 5)

ggplot(df) + 
  geom_col(aes(x, y))

df2 <- data.frame(
  x = c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 5))

ggplot(df2) + 

Finally, to continue reading about ggplot, it's not easy at the beginning, but after learning wrong it's all easy!

answered by 27.02.2017 / 14:53