I have a method that validates the input formats and inside I have a regular expression that only accepts letters from the a-z. The problem is that I try it with only letters but it does not work, it returns false
in the first if. I leave the code below:
public boolean formato() {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[a-z].*");
Pattern numero = Pattern.compile("[0-9].*");
//solo campos con letra
Matcher nombre = p.matcher(txtrut.getText());
Matcher apellido_m = p.matcher(txtapellido_m.getText());
Matcher apellido_p = p.matcher(txtapellido_p.getText());
Matcher sector = p.matcher(txtsector.getText());
//solo campos numericos
Matcher t_zapato=numero.matcher(txtzapato.getText());
Matcher t_pantalon=numero.matcher(txtpantalon.getText());
Matcher t_chaqueta=numero.matcher(txtchaqueta.getText());
Matcher fono=numero.matcher(txtfono.getText());
Matcher nro=numero.matcher(txtnro_casa.getText());
//aqui en este mensaje devuelve false
System.out.println("el nombre es: "+nombre.matches());
if(nombre.matches()==false) { System.out.println(" nombre incorrecto"); return false; }
else if (apellido_m.matches()==false) { System.out.println("apellido_m incorrecto"); return false; }
else if (apellido_p.matches()==false) { System.out.println("apellido_p incorrecto");return false; }
else if(sector.matches()==false) { System.out.println("sector incorrecto");return false;}
else if(t_zapato.matches()==false) { System.out.println("zapato incorrecto"); return false;}
else if (t_pantalon.matches()==false) { System.out.println("pantalon incorrecto"); return false;}
else if (t_chaqueta.matches()==false) { System.out.println("chaqueta incorrecta");return false;}
else if( fono.matches()==false) { System.out.println("fono incorrecta");return false;}
else if(nro.matches()==false) { System.out.println("nro de casa incorrecto");return false;}
return true;