If I understand you, you want to load a part of the entire list and continue loading more blocks when the user reaches the end of the list. For that you can use a OnScrollListener
. First you define your OnScrolllistener
as the inner class of the ListView
class MiOnScrollListener implements OnScrollListener{
public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
// comprobar si llegemos al fin de la lista
distanciaDeFin = totalItemCount - firstVisibleItem - visibleItemCount;
// si la distancia hasta el fin de datos ya cargados es menor a 5, cargamos más
// la distancia para cargar puedes adaptar parra llegar al "feel" que quieres
if (distanciaDeFin < 5) cargaProximoBloque(totalItemCount);
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {}
In your ListView
you have to do two things:
- place the listener in
- implement
in onCreate
setOnScrollListener(new MiOnScrollListener());
and the implementation of cargarProximoBloque
void cargarProximoBloque(int totalItemCount){
// tu código para buscar el bloque desde totalItemCount +1
// y assumiendo que usas un ArrayAdapter construido con una lista:
adapter.addAll((Collection) proximoBloque);
I hope that it reaches you to complete your activity. Any questions do not hesitate to ask.
A tip:
Use a ArrayAdapter
, but make sure you build it with a list as a parameter ( ArrayList
for example) in the constructor. There are dragons in this class. If you build it with a simple fix, the adapter does not allow you to add more data later.