JQuery Array in prestashop


I've been stuck with a prestashop script for a couple of days. I need to bring some values from the database and I'm doing them using jQuery, since those values depend on what a user has selected on the web. The problem is that I'm not doing it right, or then I can not access the values that the array brings.

I tried to update the call and now it gives me an error in console (TypeError: invalid 'in' operand a)

This is the call to the jquery:

<script languaje="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
/*Comprobamos si tiene localidad ya seleccionada*/
    function buscarProveedor()
        var localidad=document.getElementById("localidad").value;
        var idLocalidad=document.getElementById("id_localidad").value;
            /*Traemos todos los proveedores de esa localidad*/          
            document.getElementById("nombrelocalidad").innerHTML = localidad;
            var params = {
                "id_localidad" : idLocalidad
            console.log('Aquí si entra');
                data: params,
                url: 'TraerProveedoresPorId.php',
                success: function(response){
                    $.each(response, function(index, data){                                         
                        $("#proveedor").append("<option value=" + data.name + ">" + data.name + "</option>");
            alert("Debe seleccionar antes una localidad.");

    /*Cuando esté todo cargado ejecutamos la funcion que trae la localidad del producto*/
    window.onload = buscarProveedor();  

And now the php that receives the jquery makes the query:

    include '../config/config.inc.php';

    $variable = Tools::getValue('id_localidad');
    $query = "SELECT name FROM ps_supplier WHERE id_localidad ='" . $variable ." '";
    $id = Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);      
    echo $id;

In the console log this error appears:

Thank you very much, compañeros.

asked by jandresplp 28.11.2016 в 13:42

3 answers


In the end I managed to find the solution after investigating.

<script languaje="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
/*Comprobamos si tiene localidad ya seleccionada*/
    function buscarProveedor()
        var localidad=document.getElementById("localidad").value;
        var idLocalidad=document.getElementById("id_localidad").value;
            /*Traemos todos los proveedores de esa localidad*/          
            document.getElementById("nombrelocalidad").innerHTML = localidad;
            var params = {
                "id_localidad" : idLocalidad
                data: params,
                url: 'TraerProveedoresPorId.php',
                success: function(response){
                    $.each(response, function(index, data){                     
                        $("#proveedor").append("<option value=" + data.id_supplier + ">" + data.name + "</option>");
            alert("Debe seleccionar antes una localidad.");

    /*Cuando esté todo cargado ejecutamos la funcion que trae la localidad del producto*/
    window.onload = buscarProveedor(), asignarProveedor();


And the php that jQuery calls me stays like this:

    include '../config/config.inc.php';

    $variable = Tools::getValue('id_localidad');
    $query = "SELECT id_supplier, name FROM ps_supplier WHERE id_localidad ='" . $variable . "'";   
    $id = Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);      
    echo json_encode($id);


I hope it can help someone. Regards greetings.

answered by 30.11.2016 / 18:04

Friend your problem is definitely in javascript. However there are several recommendations that could make you how Prestashop works to optimize your code:

  • It is only necessary to include this file: include '../config/config.inc.php';
  • The values of the variables passed by GET and POST are obtained with the function: Tools::getValue('id_localidad')
  • You can remove: p($id);
  • Look in the original Prestashop code for some ajax call with jquery so you can see how they process the results.

    Good luck.

    answered by 28.11.2016 в 16:46

    Try to put on the success

    for(var i=0;i<response.length;i++){
        var element=response[i]
        //for(var key in element){

    Let's see if it shows you the data.

    answered by 28.11.2016 в 16:40