INNER JOIN query on Android with SQL Server [closed]


I need to make a select query with two different databases. How could I?

From the database Xtraining I have the table dbo.tbUsuarioOperario with the field idOperario .

From the database Workflow I have the table dbo.llamadas with the fields fecha , mensaje , de , estado and IdUsuarioDestino .

asked by TAMARUSS 14.11.2016 в 15:58

1 answer


It is the same syntax as the query of two tables in the same database. First here I'll leave you a little information about the JOIN s. Now, imagine that you have the databases baseDatos1 and baseDatos2 , both with your scheme dbo . Now in the first there is a table tblbd1 and in the second there is a table called tblbd2 . Let's suppose that the two tables are in the schemas dbo of their respective databases. The query would be as follows:

SELECT * FROM baseDatos1.dbo.tblbd1
INNER JOIN baseDatos2.dbo.tblbd2 
ON baseDatos1.tblbd1.campo = baseDatos2.tblbd2.campo

Now if you have more than one condition you just have to add a AND after the first one

SELECT * FROM baseDatos1.dbo.tblbd1
INNER JOIN baseDatos2.dbo.tblbd2 
ON baseDatos1.tblbd1.campo = baseDatos2.tblbd2.campo
AND baseDatos1.tblbd1.fecha = baseDatos2.tblbd2.fecha
AND baseDatos1.tblbd1.id_campo = baseDatos2.tblbd2.id_campo

To select certain fields you just have to specify the field and which table it is from

SELECT t1.fecha,, t1.estatus FROM baseDatos1.dbo.tblbd1 t1
INNER JOIN baseDatos2.dbo.tblbd2 t2
ON t1.campo = t2.campo

Note: In this last query I use a alias to that the query is simplified

answered by 14.11.2016 в 16:53