Hi, I am currently doing a query but I think that the number of working hours has blocked me.
I try to show the id of a joint user with his first and last name, and to all this he shows how many prospects (clients) he has assigned.
My user table has the fields cedula, names, surnames My prospect table has the user field (which would be the user's ID)
I want to show is
userid, username, surname, number of prospects assigned.
So far what I have as a notion is the following
Select idusuario, count(*) from prospecto
where estado = 1
and usuario is not null
group by idusuario
But this refers to a table, now I want to show is two joint tables and I have something like that but I've come this far.
select p.IDUSUARIO, u.NOMBRES, u.APELLIDOS, (select count(*) from prospecto where idusuario ) as cantidad
where p.estado = 1
group by p.IDUSUARIO, u.nombres, u.APELLIDOS
Any suggestions?