I have the following function that must take the data from a JSON and save it in a MySQL database
def saveMetric(metrics):
cnx = RDS_Connect()
cursor = cnx.cursor()
jsonMetrics = json.loads(metrics)
#print type(jsonMetrics['Metrics'])
# Every 2000 registries, the script will start overrriding values
persistance = 2000
save_metrics_query = (
"REPLACE INTO metrics "
"SET metric_seq = (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(row_id), 0) %% %(persistance)d + 1 FROM metrics AS m), "
"instance_id = \'%(instance_id)s\', "
"service = \'%(service)s\' , "
"metric_name = \'%(metric_name)s\', "
"metric_value = %(metric_value)f"
for metric in jsonMetrics['Metrics']:
formatData = {}
formatData['persistance'] = persistance
formatData['instance_id'] = arguments.dimensionValue
formatData['service'] = jsonMetrics['Service']
formatData['metric_name'] = metric
formatData['metric_value'] = jsonMetrics['Metrics'][metric]
print save_metrics_query % formatData
cursor.execute(save_metrics_query, formatData, multi=True)
logger('info','Metrics were saved successfully!')
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
logger('error', "Something went wrong: %s" % err)
makes the connection to an instance of RDS, that function already tested and works correctly. The point is that after executing this function, the data does not appear in the DB. I tried executing the query by hand 3 times and it works. Here you see the result of those 3 executions.
I think there might be a problem with commit()
but I would not be finding it.
If it helps, the JSON that feeds the function is like this:
"Metrics": {
"CPUUtilization": 1.33,
"NetworkIn": 46428.0,
"NetworkOut": 38772.0
"Id": "i-03932937bd67622c4",
"Service": "AWS/EC2"
If someone sees what is happening, I would appreciate the help.