SQL query to see user with more confirmed friend requests


In a database exercise I get a DB with which I must take 2 tables TBL_AMIGOS and TBL_ESTATUS_SOLICITUDES to make a query to know the user with the largest number of confirmed requests.

I've tried with HAVING and COUNT but I'm using it badly.





The tables to be used are in the upper left corner of the relational model.

For a friendship to be confirmed in the record of TBL_AMISTADES the CODIGO_ESTATUS must be equal to 1 which means CONFIRMADA as seen in the image. In case what I need is to know that USER has the most amount of 1 in the field CODIGO_ESTATUS .

Thank you.

asked by Anthony Milan 16.10.2016 в 09:13

1 answer


A simple way to achieve this is by ordering the results by number of records with CODIGO_ESTATUS = 1 (or NOMBRE_ESTATUS = 'CONFIRMADA' ), and then using where rownum < 2 to limit the query to the first result.

select codigo_usuario
  from (select a.codigo_usuario
          from tbl_amigos a
          join tbl_estatus_solicitudes e
            on e.codigo_estatus = a.codigo_estatus
           and e.nombre_estatus = 'CONFIRMADA'
         group by a.codigo_usuario
         order by count(*) desc)
 where rownum < 2

And to show the user with fewer friends would be simply changing the "desc" to "asc", like this:

select codigo_usuario
  from (select a.codigo_usuario
          from tbl_amigos a
          join tbl_estatus_solicitudes e
            on e.codigo_estatus = a.codigo_estatus
           and e.nombre_estatus = 'CONFIRMADA'
         group by a.codigo_usuario
         order by count(*) asc)
 where rownum < 2
answered by 16.10.2016 / 15:55