I have to go through a range of IPs, the problem is that the format that the function returns is inverted. The format that the function returns is:
First IP
00000000 00000001 10101000 11000000
0 1 168 192
Last IP
11111111 00000001 10101000 11000000
255 1 168 192
What I want is for them to remain: 3232235776 3232236031
This to be able to cross them in a cycle.
The for is this:
for (int i = getNetworkIp(c) + 1, bc = getBroadCastIp(c); i < bc; i++) {
if (isReachable(intToIp(i))) {
ips += "ip " + intToIp(i) + " encontrada\n";
The problem is that when doing the cycle I have left from: 108736 to -16668480