Reload a glassfish from java EE


I'm making an application in java web and it's already mounted on a glassfish server.

Is there any way that by means of a button or a function in my application you can deploy it again on the server with your changes? Is it possible?

If so, can you tell me some way to get it?

asked by edwar fuentes 10.06.2016 в 15:51

1 answer

  • It's not "Java Web", it's Java EE .
  • What do you mean by "recharge"? An application when it is running is because .war is deployed on the application server. There is no action for the term "recharge".
  • If you mean redeploy (redeployment in English) from the same application, the answer is no. To deploy an application you must first build it (build), either with the IDE or with Maven / Gradle to generate the war and deploy it to the server.


    Well, you mean dynamic reload of GlassFish. Well, this feature is useful when you modify the code or the configuration files of your application, do not do a full redeployment, but GlassFish copies the .class of the modified classes or the modified configuration files within the deployment directory % of said module (see information here ). On whether you can do it from your application, I do not think it is possible if glassfish does not provide you with an API to access the server at run time.

    answered by 10.06.2016 / 16:05