SQL statement charindex


I have created a sql statement that traverses a string and generates columns with data.


select p.FK_workitem,
         LTRIM(substring(p.PARRAFO, 0, CHARINDEX(':', p.PARRAFO))) Tipo,
         LTRIM(substring(p.PARRAFO, CHARINDEX('Fs.', p.PARRAFO)+3, (CHARINDEX('Nro.', p.PARRAFO) -3) - CHARINDEX('Fs.', p.PARRAFO))) Foja,
         LTRIM(substring(p.PARRAFO, CHARINDEX('Nro.', p.PARRAFO)+4, (CHARINDEX('Año', p.PARRAFO) -8) - CHARINDEX('Nro.', p.PARRAFO))) Número,
         LTRIM(substring(p.PARRAFO, CHARINDEX('Año', p.PARRAFO)+4,5 )) Año,
         LTRIM(substring(p.PARRAFO, CHARINDEX('Año', p.PARRAFO)+9,LEN(p.PARRAFO) )) Contenido
   from (select FK_workitem, numero_sd, [dbo].[FNC_GET_FILA_UNIDAS](FK_workitem,PK_id,numero_sd) as PARRAFO from RCD_tbl_gp_detalle where  linea like '%:%') p

I have two cases that come before me, since the index changes. examples

  • CASE 1: a Fs. 35933 Nro. 39021 of the Year 2017 in favor of Itaú Corpbanca to guarantee the creditor the fulfillment of the obligations that it contracts now or in the future.
  • CASE 2: today affects you: a Mortgage, registered to Fs. 744 No. 698, corresponding to the year 2010, in favor of the Bank of the State of Chile.- DOY FAITH .-
  • The question is: how can I generate sentences within the chardindex. because I currently only have an index. 'fs .'-' Nro .'- 'Year' the other case or index that should contain serious.

    • Nro. and N
    • Year and year

    Thank you!

    asked by Alvarows 27.12.2018 в 01:12

    1 answer


    In these cases is where the regular expressions in SQL Server are missed, it must be said, the search of patterns in the engine is extremely limited, the only thing we can do is look for an initial pattern or chain and a pattern or chain later to be able to cut what we have among these. In short, it is what you are already doing, but what you need is the possibility of defining different criteria for trimming depending on two cases that you have defined.

    What you can do is create a clause CASE WHEN ... THEN ... END and define a search pattern in the string that defines the behavior of the clipping.

    The idea would be something like this:

    SELECT  SUBSTRING(PARRAFO, PATINDEX('% Año [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', PARRAFO) + 5, 4) AS 'AÑO',
            CASE WHEN PATINDEX('% N ° [0-9]%,%', PARRAFO) > 0 THEN 
                                  PATINDEX('% N ° [0-9]%,%', PARRAFO) + 5,
                                  CHARINDEX(',', PARRAFO, PATINDEX('% N ° [0-9]%,%', PARRAFO)) - PATINDEX('% N ° [0-9]%,%', PARRAFO) - 5
                 WHEN PATINDEX('% Nro. [0-9]%', PARRAFO) > 0 THEN 
                                  PATINDEX('% Nro. [0-9]%', PARRAFO) + 6,
                                  CHARINDEX(' del', PARRAFO, PATINDEX('% Nro. [0-9]%', PARRAFO)) - PATINDEX('% Nro. [0-9]%', PARRAFO) - 6
            FROM (SELECT 'a Fs. 35933 Nro. 39021 del Año 2017 en favor de Itaú Corpbanca para garantizar al acreedor el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que contraiga actualmente o en el futuro' AS PARRAFO
              SELECT 'al día de hoy le afecta: una Hipoteca, inscrita a Fs. 744 N ° 698, correspondiente al año 2010, a favor del Banco del Estado de Chile.- DOY FE.-'
              ) T


    | # | AÑO  | NUMERO |
    | 1 | 2017 | 39021  |
    | 2 | 2010 | 698    |


    • I recommend using PATINDEX() over CHARINDEX() to find the initial pattern, it has some more flexibility and allows us more precision when finding a pattern. For example: PATINDEX('% Año [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', PARRAFO) this will search Año followed by 4 numbers, it will not fail if the text Año del nacimiento del General San Martín is found, while CHARINDEX() if it will
    • The Año does not need two different patterns as long as the table is set to non-case sensitive.
    • For the Número if, you can see that we use the CASE WHEN to determine, according to a pattern, the behavior of the clipping. Importantly, whenever you use this type of structure, it is essential that the most specific patterns are first and the most general at the end.
    answered by 27.12.2018 / 04:38