Mysql criteria for the order of Rows


Good evening I hope you can guide me, I have two tables with the following information:

(Client Table)

clienteid  nombre   direccion  telefono  email   
---------  -------  ---------  --------  --------
001        gallo                                 
002        salcedo                               
003        paul                                  
41422102   sistema

(Movement Table)

movimientoid  fecha       cuentaid  clienteid  monto       tipo  descripcion        
------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  ------  -------------------
           1  2018-11-01  CAJA-001  41422102   10000.00       1  Saldo Inicial      
           2  2018-11-01  CAJA-001  003        5000.00       -1  Compra Al Contado  
           3  2018-11-01  CAJA-001  003        100.00        -1  Compra Al Contado  
           4  2018-11-01  CAJA-001  41422102   100.00        -1  Compra Al Contado  

I make a query with the two tables and I have ordered data:

SET @dispo=0;
SELECT movimientoId, DATE_FORMAT(fecha, '%d/%m/%y') fecha, descripcion, cliente.clienteid 
IF(tipo=1, monto, NULL) deposito, IF(tipo=-1, monto, NULL) retiro,
IF(tipo=1,@dispo:=@dispo + monto,@dispo:=@dispo - monto) disponible FROM movimiento
 WHERE movimiento.cuentaid='CAJA-001' AND movimiento.fecha BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-01';

movimientoId  fecha     descripcion        clienteid  deposito  retiro   disponible  
------------  --------  -----------------  --------  ---------  -------  ------------
           1  01/11/18  Saldo Inicial      41422102   10000.00  (NULL)   10000.00    
           2  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  003        (NULL)    5000.00  5000.00     
           3  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  003        (NULL)    100.00   4900.00     
           4  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  41422102   (NULL)    100.00   4800.00     

Now I want to include the nombre of the client instead of the clienteId , but this is where the query returns unordered records:

SET @dispo=0;
SELECT movimientoId, DATE_FORMAT(fecha, '%d/%m/%y') fecha, descripcion, nombre,
IF(tipo=1, monto, NULL) deposito, IF(tipo=-1, monto, NULL) retiro,
IF(tipo=1,@dispo:=@dispo + monto,@dispo:=@dispo - monto) disponible 
FROM movimiento INNER JOIN cliente ON movimiento.clienteid=cliente.clienteid
  WHERE movimiento.cuentaid='CAJA-001' AND movimiento.fecha BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-01';

movimientoId  fecha     descripcion        nombre   deposito  retiro   disponible  
------------  --------  -----------------  -------  --------  -------  ------------
           2  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  paul     (NULL)    5000.00  -5000.00    
           3  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  paul     (NULL)    100.00   -5100.00    
           1  01/11/18  Saldo Inicial      sistema  10000.00  (NULL)   4900.00     
           4  01/11/18  Compra Al Contado  sistema  (NULL)    100.00   4800.00     

Messy for the column MovimientoId or at least that I thought, since I could see that the records were sorted according to the PK of the client table clienteId . I already explained that the ordering of records by default depends on the engine, I did it with ORDER BY movimientoId and if it comes out in order but the results of the column depósito , retiro and disponible are calculated wrong. What form can my query be? Thank you. PS: the field 'client' in both tables is of type VARCHAR (11) although I change it to int and I do not change the results

asked by Paul Herrera Perez 08.12.2018 в 01:20

1 answer


The SQL standard defines that, if it is not explicitly stated as part of the query, the order of the results is random , in the sense that the engine is free to choose em> the order in which you will return the records of the query.

Indeed, some engines can be predicted the order in which a query will return the results, but this can vary at any time, for example, if you upgrade your engine to a version more recent, if you change some configuration parameter of the engine or if you use the same engine in a different operating system.

It can even change according to the conditions of the data itself, because most engines, for example, will use statistical information about the data to choose the best execution plan and, believe me, this execution plan will be the which will determine the order of the data.

That's why, when changing any condition, include a new table in the join , or change the list of columns, and you have experienced a variation in the order of the results, which is correct according to the specification.

Therefore, if you require the data in a particular order, there is the clause order by . With this, you indicate exactly in which order you want the engine to return the data, using as many columns or expressions as necessary to obtain the exact order you are looking for. You can also sort ascending ( asc ), which is default , or decententemente ( desc ).

For example.

select *
  from tabla
 order by columna1, columna2, columna3;

select *
  from tabla
 order by columna1 asc, columna2 + columna3 desc;

select *
  from tabla
 order by columna1 asc, substring(columna2, 1, 2) desc
        , case when columna3 = 1 then columna4 else columna5 end desc;


I see that what you are looking for is not only sorting , but the calculation of disponible is correct.

First, I explain that it is failing because the calculation occurs before the sort.

The correct way to solve this, in the standard, is to use window functions , but these are not available until recent versions of mysql (I believe that from 8, but I'm not sure).

SELECT   movimientoId
       , DATE_FORMAT(fecha, '%d/%m/%y') fecha
       , descripcion
       , nombre
       , IF(tipo=1, monto, NULL) deposito
       , IF(tipo=-1, monto, NULL) retiro
       , sum(monto * tipo) over (order by movimientoId rows between unbounded preceding and current row) disponible
  FROM movimiento 
       INNER JOIN cliente ON movimiento.clienteid = cliente.clienteid
 WHERE movimiento.cuentaid = 'CAJA-001' 
   AND movimiento.fecha BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-01'
 order by movimientoId

Now, if you use an older version, I do not have mysql at hand to try, but I guess that by using this strange engine it supports a clause order by inside of sub-queries, which generally ignores, except if you put a clause limit , I would say that the solution is in:

  • Put the query that brings the data into a sub-query, without the calculation of the available, but with a clause order by
  • Make a query about the previous sub-query, and taking advantage of the return of the ordered result, on this perform the calculation (there is no guarantee that it works, or that the syntax is correct).

Use it at your own risk:

SET @dispo=0;
select   x.*
       , @dispo := @dispo + coalesce(deposito, 0) - coalesce(retiro, 0) disponible
  from (SELECT   movimientoId
               , DATE_FORMAT(fecha, '%d/%m/%y') fecha
               , descripcion
               , nombre
               , IF(tipo=1, monto, NULL) deposito
               , IF(tipo=-1, monto, NULL) retiro
          FROM movimiento 
               INNER JOIN cliente ON movimiento.clienteid = cliente.clienteid
         WHERE movimiento.cuentaid = 'CAJA-001' 
           AND movimiento.fecha BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-01'
         order by movimientoId
         limit 25000
        ) as X
answered by 08.12.2018 / 01:53