I have the following html to be able to add phones to a contact, I make a validation with angular so that there are not registered phones with characters if not just numbers, the problem is that if I add two phones the first one correctly and the second incorrect, I send the error message in both, I do not know if that can be avoided with the structure I have.
<div class="input-group select-phone" ng-repeat="tel in contacto.director.telefonos">
<select name="otroTipoTel-director" ng-model="tel.tipotel" class="input_director" id="" ng-disabled="inputDirector">
<option value="">--Selecciona</option>
<option value="Asistente">Tel. Asistente</option>
<option value="Personal">Tel. Personal</option>
<option value="Fax">Tel. FAX</option>
<option value="Personal2">Tel. Personal 2</option>
<option value="Oficina">Tel. Oficina 2</option>
<!-- número de teléfono-->
<input maxlength="12" id="otroTel-director" type="text" ng-disabled="inputDirector" class="input_director" ng-model="tel.telefono" placeholder="Teléfono" name="otroTelDir" mask="99-9999-9999" ng-pattern="/^\d{2}-\d{4}-\d{4}$/" ng-class="{invalid: formContactoDependencia.otroTelDir.$error.pattern}">
<!-- extension del teléfono-->
<input maxlength="80" id="otroExt-director" type="text" ng-disabled="inputDirector" class="input_director extension" ng-model="tel.extension" placeholder="Extensión" name="otroExtDir" ng-pattern="/^\d+$/" ng-class="{invalid: formContactoDependencia.extDirector.$error.pattern}">
<!-- boton X para eliminar-->
<a href="#" id="telDirector" class="dropIt Alagoma" ng-show="Xdirector" ng-click="quitarNuevo(contacto, contacto.director.telefonos.indexOf(t), $event)">X</a>
<div ng-show="formContactoDependencia.otroTelDir.$error.pattern">
<span class="error" >
El número de telefono no cumple con el formato correcto
<div ng-show="formContactoDependencia.otroExtDir.$error.pattern">
<span class="error" >
Introduce solo numeros en la extensión
I have the following button to add a new phone ...
<div class="adiciona Alagoma" ng-show="Adirector" id="directorTelefono" ng-click="nuevoTelefono(telefonoDirector,contacto , $event)" ng-hide="contacto.director.telefonos.length>=4"> <!-- ng-hide="dess" -->
<div><i class="icon director-telefono" ></i></div>
Which only creates a new space in the fix contact.irector.telephones the scope that does it is the following ...
//Scope para agregar un nuevo telefono
$scope.nuevoTelefono = function (obj,contacto, e) {
var e = e.target.id;
console.log(e, "es el valor de ...")
if(e == "directorTelefono") {
console.log('Contacto --> ' + JSON.stringify(contacto));
if (contacto.director.telefonos.length < 4) contacto.director.telefonos.push({});
$scope.contacto.director.telefonos = [];
if (contacto.director.telefonos.length < 4) contacto.director.telefonos.push({});
contacto.director.telefonos = [];
if (contacto.director.telefonos.length < 4) contacto.director.telefonos.push({});
contacto.director = "sdfsdfsd";
contacto.director.telefonos = [];
if (contacto.director.telefonos.length < 4) contacto.director.telefonos.push({});