I have the following link with an icon on the left side. I want to add the effect that when you click on the link, only the image vibrates with the vibrate class. Just as I have it, only the effect is applied when I click on the image.
-webkit-animation: tiembla 0.2s 1;
-moz-animation: tiembla 0.2s 1;
-o-animation: tiembla 0.2s 1;
-ms-animation: tiembla 0.2s 1;
@-webkit-keyframes tiembla{
0% { -webkit-transform:rotateZ(-5deg); }
50% { -webkit-transform:rotateZ( 0deg) scale(1.4); }
100%{ -webkit-transform:rotateZ( 5deg); }
<li><a class="opcionmenu" id="verclientes" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalverclientes"> <img class="vibrar" src="~/Content/img/Ojo.png" /> Ver Clientes</a></li>