How to hide the text and its radio button, jquery?


I have these 3 radio buttons:

    <label class="label-radio item-content">
      <input type="radio" name="entregaPedido" value="2">
      <span class="item-media">
        <i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i>
      <span class="item-inner">
        <span class="item-title">Recoger en Centro de Negocio</span>
    <label class="label-radio item-content">
      <input type="radio" name="entregaPedido" value="1" checked>
      <span class="item-media">
        <i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i>
      <span class="item-inner">
        <span class="item-title">Envío a Domicilio Normal</span>
  <li id="sucursalesCorreos">
    <label class="label-radio item-content">
      <input type="radio" name="entregaPedido" value="1">
      <span class="item-media">
        <i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i>
      <span class="item-inner">
        <span class="item-title">Entregar en Sucursal de Correos</span>

But I must perform a validation that allows me to hide or show the <li> that has the text Sent to Normal Home

That is, there will be a variable Cod_emp that if it is equal to 5 it should be hidden otherwise show.

asked by JG_GJ 08.11.2018 в 23:05

2 answers


I do not know if you mean this but we're going there. What I have understood is that if the employee is number 5, he does not show the list, on the contrary, he shows it. Here is the code This is a simple example with a button that checks the value of the input. If it is different from 5, it shows it, otherwise it hides it. I do not know if it's enough to give you an idea of how you can do it.

		var prueba1 = $("#input").val();
      if(prueba1 != 5){
  background-color: rgb(159, 143, 241);
<script src=""></script>
<input id="input" type="text" value="">
<button id="boton">Click</button>

<div id="sucursalesCorreos">Div a esconder</div>
answered by 29.11.2018 в 15:23

you only change your value or Cod and it is hidden or displayed

var Cod=4;
  $("#envio_DN").css('visibility', 'visible');
  $("#envio_DN").css('visibility', 'hidden');
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
  <li id="envio_DN">
    <label class="label-radio item-content">
      <input type="radio" name="entregaPedido" value="1" checked>
      <span class="item-media">
        <i class="icon icon-form-radio"></i>
      <span class="item-inner">
      <span class="item-title">Envío a Domicilio Normal</span>
answered by 29.11.2018 в 15:45