Change PHP STATUS to pick it up from Unity


I have a file in php where I receive data from an application in Unity, all good until after validating the information I need to recover a STATUS .

I'm using this way of setting the STATUS in php ;


$result="no valido";




And to recover it from Unity I use;

public static int getResponseCode(WWW request)
    int ret = 0;

    if (request.responseHeaders == null)
        Debug.LogError("no response headers.");

        if (!request.responseHeaders.ContainsKey("STATUS"))
            Debug.LogError("response headers has no STATUS.");
            ret = parseResponseCode(request.responseHeaders["STATUS"]);

    return ret;

public static int parseResponseCode(string statusLine)
    int ret = 0;

    string[] components = statusLine.Split(' ');
    if (components.Length < 3)
        Debug.LogError("invalid response status: " + statusLine);
        if (!int.TryParse(components[1], out ret))
            Debug.LogError("invalid response code: " + components[1]);

    return ret;

The fact is that I can not change STATUS since I always receive the 200, even having forced the failure directly in PHP .

How could I change the STATUS to recover it in Unity?

asked by Hector Lopez 02.11.2018 в 17:56

1 answer


I use this Json library to facilitate my work: SimpleJSON: JSON Library for Unity

And the example of use would be:

On the button or place where you would call:

StartCoroutine (iniPost ());

And to do the post:

IEnumerator iniPost (){ 
    // Creamos la forma para hacer el post
    var form = new WWWForm();
    form.AddField ("categoria", "1");//Agregamos variables necesarias
    var url = "";
    var d = new WWW( url, form );
    // Llamamos método para escuchar la respuesta del post
    if(d == null)
        yield return null;

To hear the answer:

IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW www){
    yield return www;
    // buscamos errores
    if (www.error == null){//No hubo error en el post
        Debug.Log( "Json " + www.text );
        au = JSON.Parse (www.text);//Convertimos la respuesta a Json con la librería SimpleJson, hacer el import con el Using SimpleJSON;
        if (au ["error"] != null && au ["error"].ToString ().Length > 0) {//Localmente validadmos que no se haya enviado error nuestro, en caso de que exista la llave lo imprimimos

            Debug.Log ( au ["error"]);
        } else {
            Debug.Log ("No hubo error buscamos llaves necesarias");

    } else {
        Debug.Log ("Error en el post: " + www.error);

What you should answer in your php when there is an error would be:

{"error":"No valido", "status_code":"400"}

When there is no error:


And it would be for you to add the other things you need ...

answered by 06.11.2018 / 19:47