MySQL display results from id_cate sorted by id_subcate


Hello, how are you? I bother you with a question?.

I decided to group products according to the subcategory (id_subcate) but when accessing the Category (id_cate)

I start from the base, as well comments and made me realize @amenadiel,


Your query only uses the ID of the main category

that I take the urls via $_GET and that I am always positioned in the Category productos.php?id_cate=7 there access to a list of all related products but without taxonomic order.


tbl_categorias id_cate id_catemaster nombre


tbl_productos id_prod id_cate id_subcate id_subnivcate nombre precio

Here the id_subcate is an INT ej. 2


tbl_subcategorías id_subcate, id_cate, nombre

Here the id_subcate is a VARCHAR ex. torso garments

I think I should relate the tables to JOIN and then Echo the name of the subcategory in VARCHAR .-

The following is the scheme that I hope to achieve

Category Title (this I already have)

Subcategory title

Products that correspond to the subcategory

Then a line break <br>

Title of another subcategory

Products that correspond to the subcategory

Then a line break <br> *

Here the code where I go that only shows the products without order


$id_prod = $HttpVars->TraerGet('id_prod');
$id_subcate = $HttpVars->TraerGet('id_subcate');
$id_cate = $HttpVars->TraerGet('id_cate');
$id_subnivcate = $HttpVars->TraerGet('id_subnivcate');      

    if($id_cate != "") {
        //sql para titulo de categoria
        $sqltit = "SELECT nombre FROM tbl_categorias WHERE id_cate = ".intval($id_cate);
        //sql para los productos
        $sql = "SELECT P.id_prod, P.nombre, P.filech, P.precio, P.dcorta, P.publicado, P.id_cate, P.id_subcate ";
        $sql.= "FROM tbl_productos as P ";
        $sql.= "WHERE P.id_cate = ".intval($id_cate)." AND P.publicado = 1 and P.borrado = 0 ";
        $sql.= "ORDER BY P.id_subcate";

    $resulttit = $db->Query($sqltit,$connection);
    $myrowtit = mysqli_fetch_array($resulttit, MYSQLI_BOTH);


<div class="titcate"><p><?php echo $myrowtit["nombre"]; ?></p></div>
<div class="clear"></div>

    $result = $db->Query($sql,$connection);
    $totreg = mysqli_num_rows($result);

    if ($db->CantidadFilas($result) > 0){
        while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
            $precio = $myrow["precio"];
            $nombre = $myrow["nombre"];
            $imagen = $myrow["filech"];
            $id_prod = $myrow["id_prod"];

            if($imagen == "") {
                $imagen = "noimagen.gif";}


<div class="productoshome">
<p id="tit_prod"><? echo $nombre;?> </p>
<a title="<? echo $nombre ?>" href="<? echo "producto.php?id_prod=$id_prod/" ?>"></a>
<img src="timthumb.php?src=imgprod/<? echo $myrow['filech'] ?>&h=178&w=188&zc=1" alt="<? echo $nombre ?>" title="<? echo $nombre ?>" />
<p id="precio_prods">$ <? echo $precio ?></p>




    else {
        echo "<p>No hay productos disponibles para esta categoría. <a href='index.php'>Haga click aquí para seguir navegando</a></p>";

This for now, several days ago I try to find the right logic .. thanks

asked by Javier Sal 03.11.2018 в 15:11

1 answer


Your query only uses the ID of the main category, so the title you put corresponds to any of the subcategories daughters of the category id_cat . Then list the products whose parent category is id_cat . At no time are you using id_subcate . I also do not see a JOIN where you try to match by id_subcate as the statement of the question says.

Suppose that:

  • you really want to display the results of a subcategory.
  • (in the absence of a category table) your categories are
    • clothing
    • accessories
  • your table of subcategories looks like this:
  • And that your product table looks like this:

    Therefore, if you would like to list prendas torso you would pass subcategory 2. In that case, your code should show something like:

    And the code itself would look like this

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../conexion.php';
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
    $sql = 'SELECT cat.id_subcate,
                cat.nombre as subcategoria,
            FROM 'tbl_subcategorias' cat
            JOIN tbl_productos prod ON cat.id_subcate = prod.id_subcate
            WHERE cat.id_subcate=?';
    $cont       = 0;
    $id_subcate = isset($_GET['id_subcate']) ? intval($_GET['id_subcate']) : 0;
    if ($id_subcate !== 0 && $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql)) {
        $stmt->bind_param('d', $id_subcate);
        $result = $stmt->get_result();
        while ($myrow = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $subcategoria = $myrow['subcategoria'];
            $id_prod      = $myrow['id_prod'];
            $precio       = $myrow['precio'];
            $nombre       = $myrow['nombre'];
            if ($cont === 0) {
                echo '<div class="titcate" style="font-size:1.5em"><p>' . $subcategoria . '</p></div>';
            echo '<div class="clear" style="clear:both"></div>';
            echo '<div class="productoshome" style="float:left;padding:3px;">';
            echo '<div id="tit_prod" style="float:left;width:100px;"><a title="' . $nombre . '" href="producto.php?id_prod=' . $id_prod . '" style="float:left;">' . $nombre . '</a></div>';
            echo '<div id="precio_prods" style="float:left;">$ ' . $precio . '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
    if ($cont == 0) {
        echo "<p>No hay productos disponibles para esta categoría. <a href='index.php'>Haga click aquí para seguir navegando</a></p>";

    (Example: link   test with subcategories 1 (no results) 3, 4 and 5) )

    If you notice:

    • mysql does not make problems doing a join between an integer and a varchar given your structure (where id_subcate is a varchar but with the format of an integer)
    • I put the variable using a prepared statement, so that what you receive by GET does not leave the door open for an SQL injection.
    • Also, I check that a subcategory comes in the query string so that below it does not trigger a NOTICE: undefined index id_subcate .


    Since we now have the main table of categories, it seems appropriate to indicate that id_subcate in the table of subcategories and that of products should be a number.

    The value "torso garments" goes in the "name" field of the subcategory.

    With this the table of subcategories is practically a step table between category and product. (containing also the name of the subcategory).

    The product table does not need a subcategory field, by third normal line you can always reach the table of categories through the subcategory.

    Recapitulating, the categories table looks like this:

    The table of subcategories (where I converted id_subcat into integer) looks like this:

    And that of products :

    The scheme looks like this:

    The query should be:

    $sql = "SELECT cat.id_cate, 
               cat.nombre as nombre_categoria,
               subcat.nombre as nombre_subcategoria,
           FROM 'tbl_categorias' cat
             JOIN tbl_subcategorias subcat USING (id_cate)
             JOIN tbl_productos prod USING (id_subcate)
           WHERE cat.id_cate= $id_cate
           ORDER BY cat.id_cate, subcat.id_subcate ";

    (as sanitizaste $id_cate we will skip the prepared sentence)

    The result looks like this:

    And the code would be: (you will adapt it to your html and its styles)

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../conexion.php';
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
    $id_cate = isset($_GET['id_cate']) ? intval($_GET['id_cate']) : 0;
    $sql = "SELECT cat.id_cate,
               cat.nombre as nombre_categoria,
               subcat.nombre as nombre_subcategoria,
           FROM 'tbl_categorias' cat
             JOIN tbl_subcategorias subcat USING (id_cate)
             JOIN tbl_productos prod USING (id_subcate)
           WHERE cat.id_cate= $id_cate
           ORDER BY cat.id_cate, subcat.id_subcate ";
    $cont = 0;
    if ($id_cate !== 0 && $result = $mysqli->query($sql)) {
        $nombre_categoria    = '';
        $nombre_subcategoria = '';
        while ($myrow = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            // sólo se escribe el nombre de la categoría si cambió respecto de la anterior
            if ($nombre_categoria !== $myrow['nombre_categoria']) {
                $nombre_categoria = $myrow['nombre_categoria'];
                echo '<h2>' . $nombre_categoria . '</h2>';
            // sólo se escribe el nombre de la subcategoría si cambió respecto de la anterior
            if ($nombre_subcategoria !== $myrow['nombre_subcategoria']) {
                $nombre_subcategoria = $myrow['nombre_subcategoria'];
                echo '<div class="clear" style="clear:both"></div>';
                echo '<h3>' . $nombre_subcategoria . '</h3>';
                echo '<hr>';
            $id_prod = $myrow['id_prod'];
            $precio  = $myrow['precio'];
            $nombre  = $myrow['nombre'];
            echo '<div class="clear" style="clear:both"></div>';
            echo '<div class="productoshome" style="float:left;padding:3px;">';
            echo '<div id="tit_prod" style="float:left;width:100px;">';
            echo '<a title="' . $nombre . '" href="producto.php?id_prod=' . $id_prod . '" style="float:left;">' . $nombre . '</a></div>';
            echo '<div id="precio_prods" style="float:left;">$ ' . $precio . '</div>';
            echo '</div>';
    if ($cont == 0) {
        echo "<p>No hay productos disponibles para esta categoría. <a href='index.php'>Haga click aquí para seguir navegando</a></p>";

    You can try link

    and link

    answered by 03.11.2018 / 16:36