I am doing a project for the university and I have a problem working with a pivot table, it is the relationship between Vaccines (Vaccine) and Pets (Pet), it is a relationship of many to much, believe the migrations of both Vaccine and of Pet, and the pivot table pets_vaccines. Create the models and their relationships but when I try to occupy the relationship it does not work. Also in the table pets_vaccines I have 2 data (scheduled_date and application_date) that I need to occupy.
My idea is to have a view where it shows all the data of that pivot table using Eloquent, but I can not enter the data of the pivot table or the data of another table of the relationship (that is, if I occupy pets) I can not access the vaccine data and vice versa).
I will leave the codes of everything I occupy for this:
Vaccine Model
public function pets(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Pets');
Pet Model
public function vaccines(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Vaccine')->withPivot('scheduled_date');
public function schedule()
$pets = Pet::get();
return view('Vaccines.schedule', compact('pets'));
Migration Pet
Schema::create('pets', function (Blueprint $table) {
//Foreign Keys
Migration Vaccine
Schema::create('vaccines', function (Blueprint $table) {
Migration pets_vaccine
Schema::create('pets_vaccines', function (Blueprint $table) {
//Foreign Keys
And in the view I have this:
@foreach ($pets as $pet)
Mascota: {{$pet->name}} Vacuna: {{$pet->pivot->scheduled_date}} <br>
Here, the "scheduled_date" gives me an error, but if I remove it, it stops giving me the error but it does not show what I want.