If in the model you indicate the relationship you have solved the problem:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Producto extends Model
protected $table = 'tbProductos';
protected $id='id';
public $timestamps = false; //true valor por defecto
public $incrementing = true; //true valor por defecto
public function precio()
return $this->hasOne('App\Precio');
With this you can use eloquent to access directly
$precio = Product::product($id)->precio()
You have to be VERY clear about the data model. Who is the owner of the relationship and who is has the fk. It is advisable to understand how the model is translated into tables. You can also explicitly indicate the foreign keys but it is not necessary:
public function precio()
return $this->hasOne('App\Precio', fk_precio);
Important: Normally lazy loading is used. That is, they only ask for the data when they are needed, which can generate performance problems. If you want to bring the data in one step, you have to indicate it explicitly using the eager loading using the with
see: link