In the ViewBag.Deducciones : bring me the deductions you selected previously.
In the ViewBag.DeducesEmployees : it brings me the deductions that the employee has selected ().
The problem is that for every deduction I go through all the deductions assigned to the employees, how else could I order that.
@foreach (var item in Model)
@*<td>@item.EmpNombre @item.EmpApellido</td>*@
<td><p style="white-space: nowrap;">@item.EmpNombre @item.EmpApellido</p></td>
<td> @String.Format("{0:C}", item.sueldo) </td>
@*Deducciones Empleado*@
@if (ViewBag.DeduccionesEmpleados != null)
foreach (var Deduccion in (List<string>)ViewBag.Deducciones)
foreach (var Deduccionees in (IEnumerable<RecursosHumanos.Models.Con_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado>)ViewBag.DeduccionesEmpleados)
if (Deduccionees.EmpId == item.EmpId)
if (Deduccionees.DedDescripcion == Deduccion)
<th> </th>