Someone can help me, how can I not join the fields of a query, that is, I ask the question and if it is the same product instead of showing me the 2 rows shows me 1 but adding the 2, the I show you to understand.
And this is the sentence I am using:
SELECT IL.Cliente, CA.Programa, IL.Estilo, IL.Color, SUM(IL.Total) AS Pares, CA.Material, CA.Departamento, CA.Fecha_Pago AS Fecha_Pedido
FROM galaxyfx_produccion.compras_ange AS CA
INNER JOIN galaxyfx_produccion.infolote AS IL ON CA.Programa = IL.Programa
WHERE (CA.Programa LIKE '%40680%') AND (CA.Estado = 'En Espera')
GROUP BY CA.Programa, CA.Material, CA.Departamento;
I already try everything but it's not there.