Problem "Unable to copy file" WindowsForms C #


I have a problem, I changed one of the options in the configuration file of my application, more specifically, the section of 32 bits and 64, but then I returned it to normal (The default option: "Any CPU") , and I tried to run my app, but this error appeared.

asked by Sebastián García 14.04.2018 в 16:30

1 answer


It is possible that some process is blocking those files in Debug and Visual Studio can not overwrite them with a new version. Right click on the Solution Explorer, open folder in file explorer, close Visual Studio, delete Debug and reopen the project. If this does not work then you should use + alt + control to kill the process (in the error message it says it is called "Remainder") or restart the PC before deleting Debug.

answered by 14.04.2018 в 16:58