Doubt insert java project to java web project


I have a project Java in my workspace with several classes called "functions". Then I created a java web project and added the project in Java build path -> projects .

But once I started in index and used some kind of the project "functions" I skipped a Exception and I realized that it is because it is not in web-inf/lib , because putting a jar by hand % of that project does not jump.

Do you know how I can solve it?

asked by bsg 13.09.2018 в 18:02

1 answer


Export your project to a jar as follows link Then in the project that you want to have access to that jar, import it like this: link

In case that does not work try creating a new package in the project and copying the classes from the IDE so that you can change the name of the packages of each class and not error.

answered by 13.09.2018 / 19:04