I have a record of entry and exit of each worker (each one has an ID) where each of them only enters their user code and records their schedules, but it happens that sometimes they are forgotten. How can I display the data in the same row of a table (AS SEEN IN THE PICTURE) according to the registration date?.
Here is the structure of the 4 tables (income labor, output labor, lunch income, lunch output), the fields I need to show are the date and time. I explain, if I need to obtain a worker's schedule report, I filter it for your ID and so I get the dates and times of the different days that you registered, but what happens if I forget to register your entry or exit one day, obviously will not there be data in those fields, how could I do it to show the information?
This is how I intend to show the information in the html table, in a row it shows the user's ID, the date of registration, and the hours of admission, departure from work and refreshments, but if he forgot to record a schedule then the corresponding cell should be blank (the image is red).