I do not know if it can be done in this way. On my main php page, I load using a loop rows in a table. In one of the cells I have some coordinates, which I need to pass through GET to the mapita.php file. In this loop charge 4 variables, var1 / 2/3/4 (until here everything perfect). This is a fragment of the loop where I load the data in the table:
echo " <td class='tabla_t'>". $vasociado . "</td>\n";
echo " <td class='tabla_t'>". $vfecha . "</td>\n";
echo " <td class='tabla_t'>" . $vnumero . "</td>\n";
echo " <td class='tabla_t' onclick=\"'location.href='mapita.php?dato1='". $var1. "' &dato2='". $var2. "' &dato3='". $var3. "' &dato4='". $var4. "'\";>" . $var1 . '-' .$var2 . ' / ' . $var3 . "</td>\n";
echo " <td class='tabla_t'>" . substr($vnom . ", " . $vape,0,30) . "</td>\n";
In the mapita.php file I have:
The idea is that by clicking on the cell that I have the onclick, the location is run to another php and the parameters are passed. I do not know with the correct syntax, can it be done like that?