Convert from String to Unsigned Char Array in C ++


I need to convert a string of string characters to an unsigned char array in this way:

string str_texto = "Hola Mundo!";
unsigned char uchar_texto[80];


uchar_texto[0] = 0x68 //H
uchar_texto[1] = 0x6F //o

So far I have done this and it works well once, the problem is that if I use it again, the second time it stops working (I do not know why but it does not copy anything to the unsigned char even renaming all the variables):

char *c_key1 = new char(16 + 1);

for(unsigned i = 0, unsigned_char_val; i < str_texto.length(); i += 2)
    sscanf(str_texto .c_str() + i, "%2X", &unsigned_char_val);
    c_key1[i/2] = unsigned_char_val;
    uchar_texto[i/2] = c_key1[i/2];

I also know that this is another way of doing it, but if I had a 500-character string, the code would be huge:

sscanf(str_texto.c_str(), "%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX...",
        &uchar_texto[0], &uchar_texto[1], &uchar_texto[2]...);

That's why I'm looking for a way other than these two to make that conversion.

asked by Noe Cano 25.08.2018 в 00:30

2 answers


It's all much simpler than what you're doing. But before explaining my proposal we will correct your errors and failures.

To start you have marked the question as

answered by 25.08.2018 / 15:25
unsigned char m_Test[20];

strcpy( static_cast <char*>( m_Test ), "Hello World" );

Use this example obviously if you want you can change Hello World with your variable string . Make sure char is the right size or enough to store the string so I recommend changing unsigned char m_Test[20]; instead of 20 putting what you need.

answered by 25.08.2018 в 00:46