Restarurar DataBase Data NOT Pre-Existing SQL


I have current records in a database called A_Restaurate I have Pedro, Jose, saul, Mengano, So and so in order over a thousand Old Accounts records I want to restore all that data to a New Data Base called EN_USO but this has some records with the same User, I do not want to copy the same record twice. How can I do this without repeating the same record?

INSERT [DASEDATOS_En USO].[dbo].[EN_USO](       
SELECT  [UserID],[Pw],[JoinDate],[Admin],[AdminLevel],[UseQueue],[Status],[Leave],[LeaveDate],[UserType],[UserIp],[ModiIp],[ModiDate],150000 ,[Enpassword],[Birth],[email],[Activation],[pais],[mes],[dia],[anio],[nombre],[apellido],[MotivoBan],[GS],[Contador],[Activo],[FechaDuper],[FinBan],[Verifi],[Protector],[Staff],[DEV],[Email_viejo],[UserID_Viejo],15000 
FROM [DASEDATOS_Arestaurar].[dbo].[A_Restaurar]
asked by Juan Carlos Villamizar Alvarez 20.10.2018 в 23:27

1 answer


The Where with the clause NOT EXISTS will only make the entry of the data if the UserId does not exist in the table where you will do the Insert . (When answering I was assuming that the UserId is the only key of the table)

INSERT [DASEDATOS_En USO].[dbo].[EN_USO](       
SELECT  [UserID],[Pw],[JoinDate],[Admin],[AdminLevel],[UseQueue],[Status],[Leave],[LeaveDate],[UserType],[UserIp],[ModiIp],[ModiDate],150000 ,[Enpassword],[Birth],[email],[Activation],[pais],[mes],[dia],[anio],[nombre],[apellido],[MotivoBan],[GS],[Contador],[Activo],[FechaDuper],[FinBan],[Verifi],[Protector],[Staff],[DEV],[Email_viejo],[UserID_Viejo],15000 
FROM [DASEDATOS_Arestaurar].[dbo].[A_Restaurar]

where NOT EXISTS (select userid 
from [DASEDATOS_En USO].[dbo].[EN_USO] a 
where a.userid = [DASEDATOS_Arestaurar].[dbo].[A_Restaurar].userid
answered by 21.10.2018 / 00:29