I have current records in a database called A_Restaurate I have Pedro, Jose, saul, Mengano, So and so in order over a thousand Old Accounts records I want to restore all that data to a New Data Base called EN_USO but this has some records with the same User, I do not want to copy the same record twice. How can I do this without repeating the same record?
SELECT [UserID],[Pw],[JoinDate],[Admin],[AdminLevel],[UseQueue],[Status],[Leave],[LeaveDate],[UserType],[UserIp],[ModiIp],[ModiDate],150000 ,[Enpassword],[Birth],[email],[Activation],[pais],[mes],[dia],[anio],[nombre],[apellido],[MotivoBan],[GS],[Contador],[Activo],[FechaDuper],[FinBan],[Verifi],[Protector],[Staff],[DEV],[Email_viejo],[UserID_Viejo],15000
FROM [DASEDATOS_Arestaurar].[dbo].[A_Restaurar]