Recommendations for Windows 10 partition table and Mint Sylvia linux?


Even if I'm not a fan of windows, because of university issues I must use it, I would like to know if any of you could recommend a partition table to share the two operating systems, in my case it is a 1TB disk. I have found solutions like the ones shown on this page: link

But .... this leaves the / as primary partition and extends SWAP and / home ... to me, I really like to separate / boot from / in case of kernel failure or the boot can recover in a much more pleasant way.

This being the case, I would like to know if this table of partitions that I will present below could serve as I have planned it, I listen (I mentally read) your opinions:

+ Partición  primaria: ( Reservado para el sistema wn)
+ Partición  primaria: Disco C: (NTFS)
+ Partición  primaria: /boot (ext2)
+ Partición extendida:
   - Partición lógica: / (ext4)
   - Partición lógica: /opt (ext4)
   - Partición lógica: /home (ext4)
   - Partición lógica: SWAP
   - Partición lógica: Disco D: (NTFS)

If it is feasible to leave the / (root) inside a logical partition? since the boot is as a primary partition I can not create more, but in the / are the system files; I'm in a dilemma ...

I would like to know your opinions and suggestions. In the last case I will leave / boot and / in a single primary partition.

asked by arxzel 17.08.2018 в 18:34

2 answers


In my case, I had previously installed Windows 10 and installed Linux Mint 19 Tara following the steps of this tutorial .

I did not have any kind of problem, and currently Windows and Linux coexist within the same disk.

I would think that respecting the structures of the partitions, something like this:

There should be no problem.

answered by 18.08.2018 в 00:16

For those who are in this same dilemma, I found the solution:
It is very simple, you have to install windows and linux on disk with GTP partitioned type and in UEFI mode.
I leave it here and in order:

1- install windows in UEFI mode (see from minute 12 to 17): link

2- Install Linux in UEFI mode next to windows in GTP type partition: link

The MBR partition type (with legacy mode BIOS) only lets you create 4 primary partitions.

While the GTP (with BIOS UEFI) lets create up to 128 primary partitions, from this point I could install my windows 10 with linux mint AND THE BEST thing is that everything in primary partitions ... ADIOS TO EXTENDED PARTITIONS OR LOGIC.

PST: THIS ONLY WORKS ON X64 BITS SYSTEMS, with x32 not going to stick, then if you play forced 4 partitions in MBR as I described it at the beginning.

answered by 18.08.2018 в 00:01