How to count records by date according to the requested query?


I am looking for the counting of these services according to the date, these types of services are stored in a column.


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                <h3 class = "text-primary">Búsqueda De Servicios</h3>
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                <input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "Inicio"  id = "date1"/>
                <input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "Final"  id = "date2"/>
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            <div class = "table-responsive">    
                <table class = "table table-bordered alert-warning">
                            <th style = "width:25%;">Servicios Solicitados</th>
                            <th style = "width:30%;">Servicios Finalizados</th>
                            <th>Servicios Fallidos</th>
                            <th style = "width:20%;">Servicios Cancelados</th>
                            <th style = "width:20%;">Servicios Realizando</th>
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$date1 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['date1']));
$date2 = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['date2']));

if (!empty($_POST['date1']) and  !empty($_POST['date1'])){

    $sWhere="WHERE 'fecha_Solicitud' BETWEEN '$date1' AND '$date2'";

} else {

#Conectare a la base de datos


$q_book = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(servicio_No) AS totalServicios FROM 'servicio' $sWhere") or die(mysqli_error("Error al conectar a la base de datos"));
$v_book = $q_book->num_rows;
$totalServicios = $v_book['totalServicios']; //Este es el valor que acabas de calcular en la consulta
if($v_book > 0){
    while($f_book = $q_book->fetch_array()){
         <td><?php echo $f_book['totalServicios']; ?></td>
asked by Cristian Antonio Trujillo Gris 05.07.2018 в 18:01

1 answer


Just use GROUP BY in your MySQL query


$ date1 = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime ($ _ POST ['date1']))); $ date2 = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime ($ _ POST ['date2']));

if (! empty ($ _ POST ['date1'])) and! empty ($ _ POST ['date2'])) {     list ($ day, $ month, $ year) = explode ("/", $ _ POST ['date1']);     $ date1="$ anio- $ month- $ day";     list ($ day, $ month, $ year) = explode ("/", $ _ POST ['date2']);     $ date2="$ anio- $ month- $ day";

$sWhere="WHERE 'fecha_Solicitud' BETWEEN '$date1' AND '$date2'";

} else {     $ sWhere=""; }

I will connect to the database

include ("conexion.php");

// you add GROUP BY indicating the column by which to group $ q_book = $ conn-> query ("SELECT fecha_Solicitud , COUNT (service_No) AS totalServices FROM servicio $ sWhere GROUP BY fecha_Solicitud ") or die (mysqli_error ("Error connecting to the database" )); $ v_book = $ q_book- > num_rows; if ($ v_book > 0) {     while ($ f_book = $ q_book- > fetch_array ()) {     ? >                         

to obtain the date related to each service count you use $ f_book ['date_Request']

answered by 05.07.2018 / 18:27