I am making a query to 2 tables the main table t_person has 128176 records and the table t_evaluation has 135839 the evaluation table can have several times the code of the person since a person can have 1 or more evaluations What I need to do is to make the join with the table t_evaluacion bring me the last record of each person who is in t_personas (128176) but doing so brings me 135873, brings me more records than the total of the evaluation table.
Table People:
codigo_persona character varying(12) NOT NULL,
id character varying NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('vulnerabilidad.t_persona_id_seq'::regclass),
nombres_apellidos character varying(100) NOT NULL,
cedula character varying(10) NOT NULL,
fecha_nacimiento date NOT NULL,
edad integer NOT NULL,
genero integer NOT NULL,
meses integer,
dias integer,
Of this table I only need the columns of age, months, days, gender
Evaluation table
codigo_evaluacion character varying(10) NOT NULL,
id serial NOT NULL,
codigo_persona character varying(12) NOT NULL,
codigo_descripcion_situacion integer NOT NULL,
cbi integer NOT NULL,
peso double precision NOT NULL,
talla double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,
embarazo character varying NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
fecha_abordaje date NOT NULL,
codigo_origen character varying(12),
CONSTRAINT codigo_evaluacion PRIMARY KEY (codigo_evaluacion),
CONSTRAINT t_estado_nutricional_t_evaluacion_fk FOREIGN KEY (codigo_descripcion_situacion)
REFERENCES vulnerabilidad.t_estado_nutricional (codigo_descripcion_situacion) MATCH SIMPLE
CONSTRAINT t_persona_t_evaluacion_fk FOREIGN KEY (codigo_persona)
REFERENCES vulnerabilidad.t_persona (codigo_persona) MATCH SIMPLE
From this table I need the columns cbi, weight, size, code_description_situation, pregnancy, source_code
When doing the join of the table people to the evaluation table and calling the pregnancy field brings me all the resgistros of the evaluation table, but I only need the last aggregate record
this is the code
select * from vulnerabilidad.t_evaluacion as e right join
vulnerabilidad.t_persona as p on p.codigo_persona = e.codigo_persona
I put a distinct to the code_person in the evaluation table and it brings me 128176 records, to bring another column of the evaluation table brings me more records
here the code
select distinct(e.codigo_persona), e.embarazo from
vulnerabilidad.t_evaluacion as e left join vulnerabilidad.t_persona as p
on p.codigo_persona = e.codigo_persona