referring to this code to calculate notes, but I have the second doubts, I know that the n is like a liminator (it's worth 2) but what does the aux and the n1 do?
using namespace std;
struct alumno
{ char nombre[100];
double t1, t2, ep, ef;
double promAula(alumno A[], int n, double aux,int n1){
if (n == 0)
return aux/ n1;
else {
double p = A[n - 1].t1*0.15 + A[n - 1].t2*0.15 +
A[n - 1].ep*0.3 + A[n - 1].ef*0.4;
aux += p;
return promAula(A, n - 1, aux, n1);
void main(){
alumno A[5];
int n = 2;
double pa = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
cout << "Nombre: "; cin >> A[i].nombre;
cout << "T1: "; cin >> A[i].t1;
cout << "T2: "; cin >> A[i].t2;
cout << "EP: "; cin >> A[i].ep;
cout << "EF: "; cin >> A[i].ef;
cout << "Promedio Aula: " << promAula(A, n, pa, n);