Differences between "Push" and "Commit & push" in Android Studio


I am a student of programming, every time I give push in android studio does not upload anything to the repository, but if I give a commit & push up the changes, I would like to explain the difference between these and the use that should give, thanks.

asked by Gerard Altamirano 17.06.2018 в 03:46

1 answer


When you are going to send updates to your project to the master branch for example; The ideal order of instructions is like this:

  • git add . To add all the files to the stage, that is to say that the Git system knows which are the files to which you must follow them
  • git commit -m "mensaje descriptivo por cada commit" is the necessary step to tell Git about the change you are sending, because the idea of a version control system is to be descriptive
  • Making git push now Git already knows what files to follow, what is the change you did with git commit

    Git push is finally to tell the system that those files with   changes made should go to your main branch / folder

    answered by 17.06.2018 в 03:57