How can I create a Net Core class library in Visual Studio Code?


My Computer is a little outdated and using Visual Studio Comunity is impossible for me.

That's why I want to switch to vs code, much lighter and it consumes less resources. But I have a problem when I create a class library, this one creates me (standard class library).

I do not know how to give the option to the code to create a Net Core Class Library

As you can see, it does not tell me anything about the Net Core class library, only Standard.

asked by Maria Perez 02.07.2018 в 01:00

1 answer


A library that uses .net standard is using .net core

I do not know if the documentation does not apply

.NET Standard

but if you do, you will see that when using a version of .net standard you are having compatibility on several platforms, since it has compatibility with different versions of .net

In your case, mention net standard 2 , in the article it has not yet been updated, but maybe here if you find it

Introducing .NET Standard

you should look in the box with which versions it is compatible

answered by 02.07.2018 / 06:38