Hello, I am stuck in the following exercise of a haskell beginner course: Having the following functions:
maximoEntreTres uno dos tres = max uno (max dos tres)
minimoEntreTres uno dos tres = min uno (min dos tres)
dispersion uno dos tres = maximoEntreTres uno dos tres - minimoEntreTres uno dos tres
The exercise asks me to create the following functions, which I did:
diasParejos uno dos tres = dispersion uno dos tres < 30
diasLocos uno dos tres = dispersion uno dos tres > 100
my problem is in the function diasNormales , that the result of the "dispersion" of its parameters is not days or days or days (so it is within a rando of 31 and 99) I have tried it in several ways but I still do not get it: I tried the following way:
diasNormales = dispersion uno dos tres > 30 && dispersion uno dos tres < 100
// But of course, this solution is not adequate because it requires the use of the functions diasParejos and diasLocos I will appreciate the help very much