I have my historical series downloaded in a csv file, which has 5 columns
['Date', 'Price', 'Open', 'High', 'Low']
I do the following:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/Lazardi/Desktop/GFG.BA.csv", header=0,index_col=False)
Date;Price;Open;High;Low 0 01/06/2018;106.400;107.100;107.900;104.500 1 31/05/2018;105.800;106.000;107.000;103.500 2 30/05/2018;104.000;103.300;107.000;103.300 3 29/05/2018;102.700;103.650;106.450;100.050 4 28/05/2018;104.000;107.700;108.500;103.000 5 27/05/2018;107.600;107.60...0;111.750;106.700 6 26/05/2018;108.400;109.900;110.700;108.100 7 25/05/2018;111.800;115.000;115.000;110.300 8 24/05/2018;115.000;115.000;115.500;114.000 9 23/05/2018;114.000;117.000;117.000;114.000 10 22/05/2018;115.400;113.950;116.950;112.350 ................................................. 4303 20/08/2006;1.532;1.542;1.551;1.523 4304 19/08/2006;1.523;1.542;1.542;1.523 4305 18/08/2006;1.597;1.606;1.615;1.587 4306 17/08/2006;1.606;1.615;1.615;1.597 4307 16/08/2006;1.615;1.615;1.615;1.578 4308 15/08/2006;1.615;1.642;1.652;1.615 [4309 rows x 1 columns] df.info() <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 4309 entries, 0 to 4308 Data columns (total 1 columns): Date;Price;Open;High;Low 4309 non-null object dtypes: object(1) memory usage: 33.7+ KB
I ask, why does it say "Data columns (total 1 columns)"?
I see the columns again
>>> df.columns Index(['Date;Price;Open;High;Low'], dtype='object')
and when I try to see the columns by individual:
>>> df[2:10]
shows them all to me as if they were one.
What can I do?