Can you pass an array to a vue component?


I have a question.

In a certain view of laravel I load certain data which through my controller I pass them with (Compact) and they are later loaded and I show them with my foreach. but I do not know if there is any way to pass that array to my vue component

In fact I could have implemented it with an APi that loads my list of products as an example, but I have a question about my Api. Well, it turns out to be something insecure and I do not know how I can do so that nobody else makes requests (I mean only the requests come from the same page) and that I can not see the list if I directly access my Apirest eg.

My controller only has it this way eg something short.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Producto;
class Ideacontroller extends Controller
      public function __construct()

    public function getProductos()

    	return Producto::orderBy('id','DESC')->get(); 

asked by Alex Burke Cooper 18.05.2018 в 02:37

1 answer


A simple example of how you can obtain any information you need in your components, through Axios making calls to your API or any API.

    <li v-for="user in users" >


import $axios from 'axios'   
const BASE_URL='http://localhost:5000/api'

export default {
   async getUsers(){
      const URL = '${BASE_URL}/users'
          const response=await $axios.get(URL).then(res=>           
            //do somenthing with errors


answered by 23.06.2018 / 20:05