What you are asking is resolved from the class you are running by using your classloader.
Suppose that your project has included in its classpath a folder called doc and in which there is a file called test.pdf . In order to obtain the complete physical route to that resource, you must execute the following:
You can also get the same with
If instead of using getResource () you use getResourceAsStream () you will already have an InputStream to directly read the contents of that file.
Finally, a couple of details to keep in mind:
- getClass (). getClassLoader (). getResource (), find the path you specify as a parameter from the root of the folder where all the binaries are
- getClass (). getResource () is very similar, but it looks for the last route from the path where the class that is making the invocation is.
Using the example above, assuming the class that executes the code is in a packet, these two calls would return the same result:
I hope I have helped you.